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    Cofounder quit - a quick story and lesson learned

    @evaline Would have appreciated to share the post on your mistakes more than criticism of your co founder to who cannot defend here neither can others validate. So yes, as a standard reaction you would get a voice of sympathy. That wouldn’t make you any better as much as a self realization and...
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    Can u pivot and apply the second time to the same batch if the first didn’t work out?

    @sezna Very unlikely. As deadlines generally pass by unless they extend or love you so much where they ask you to bring a new idea because they like you not the product etc.
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    How much equity should I give to my new co-founder?

    @gloria_ What are these numbers the. Like 400K ARR etc. can you DM me instead.
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    How much equity should I give to my new co-founder?

    @gloria_ Do you even need an accelerator? If about investments, why go accelerator route? 2. Co- founder to do what of solving your problem today to tomo? What are you going to be 3-5 years from now and how relevant their contribution would look like? Without understanding your scope of...
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    How much equity should I give to my new co-founder?

    @gloria_ I come from both a supply chain and tech background and can help you see through what this is in better detail. But more I try to read your post, more I am lost.
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    How much equity should I give to my new co-founder?

    @gloria_ If I were you, I would just draw a nice graph with revenue, users as like in traction slide. And then say, adding co founder at this point.
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    How much equity should I give to my new co-founder?

    @gloria_ How about trying to write less and break those paragraphs into one liners. Would ease understanding your whole situation better. Got lost reading after paragraph 1 half way. Maybe that’s just me.
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    Learned the hard way, do things that don't scale

    @shadowlife If you want to actually validate the idea, don’t go to your user asking what their pain is. Ask them what their pleasure in doing what the way they are currently doing things. When you ask about pain, your solution might not be always fitting to recurrent usage, but when you ask...
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    Would you apply again?

    @branannabanana What is it that you are building?