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  1. C

    I don’t get it

    @bhagofangels The Model 3 is not a luxury vehicle, especially from the standpoint of a taxi rider. It's a relatively compact, economy car with a very expensive drivetrain. A passenger gets nothing out of the expensive drivetrain and so only experiences the cheaply-built interior. The tech...
  2. C

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @vikkik Agreed. Listen to your accountant on how to do it. But the tax benefits all come back to the same place in the end.
  3. C

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @amicrazy90 Step 1: Elect the most optimal taxing structure as recommended by your CPA. Step 2: Buy anything (including real estate) that makes sense to buy for your business. Do not buy things just for the write-off. Better to just pay the tax and keep the cash than to buy something you don't...