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  1. T

    My business got closed down and now everything is going downhill

    @jameskc If you can get a cash advance on cc and then move balance to a new interest free promotional account. Just don’t miss a payment or the interest comes back.
  2. T

    How to reason with someone who agrees to an estimate then asks for money off?

    @tseleng Yep, that’s what I did flat rate and knowing I was overcharging would throw a few freebies their way (if nothing unforeseen came up) and they were happy. Of course I didn’t get every job bc of price but those usually wanted to pay about half my quote and I’m not going to work for...
  3. T

    I don’t get it

    @elizamurr But you get that old lady with 5 bags of groceries that you have to load and unload at her home a half mile from the store. Pays with senior citizen coupons. You’re ready to get out of there to actually make money and she says wait for your tip. So a couple minutes digging through her...