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    $10k in the Hole w/ Acquired Business - What Could I Do?

    @conservativechristian Do you not offer a ground version instead of whole bean that isn’t kcup?
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    $10k in the Hole w/ Acquired Business - What Could I Do?

    @conservativechristian So you sank 10k into this. What kind of numbers did the previous owner do monthly? Crazy idea, pick up the phone and start calling farmers markets to see if you could set up, restaurants, cafes and small businesses.
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    Alibaba almost sent me to jail. Determined to start again and never let this happen. How do I proceed?

    @bmh3d I'm definitely speaking for US only and IANAL/IANYL. From experience most tax collection agencies will use virtually ANYTHING at their disposal to get money and not put people in jail unless it was serious intentional fraud. Had a boss who had a full time accountant, full time...
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    Alibaba almost sent me to jail. Determined to start again and never let this happen. How do I proceed?

    @beebert Just to be sure, you are SURE it was actually a US Government entity?
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    Alibaba almost sent me to jail. Determined to start again and never let this happen. How do I proceed?

    @beebert AliBaba is just a deal facilitator, not selling anything themselves. They didn't mis-classify anything. The company in china you actually bought from caused a massive tax bill. Having a lawyer familiar with importation rules for your locale would be the best option to not get a massive...
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    When does it make financial sense for you to file taxes as an S corporation? Here's the math. (super long post)

    @rarelozo Just wondering how Canada applies to US Tax law?
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    How/when to know to drop a project? Rude, disrespectful client - but only client

    @mignonvds Work on finding the smaller clients, they add up
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    How/when to know to drop a project? Rude, disrespectful client - but only client

    @mignonvds Rule 1) No Single Client leaving can be the reason for cash flow downturn failure. < I can "fire" any client and it won't cause the biz to fold. Rule 2) No client is worth my sanity. < Thanks to rule 1, I am not dependent on any singular client, and if they are too much of a...