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    I’m wondering if I’m throwing away my career by diving into my passion project. Has anyone been here before?

    @jameslouise The big question is how are your “soft” people skills? Google “analytical driver expressive amiable” and dig deeper into the better sites. You’re looking to get a handle on your comfort level when it comes to connecting and engaging with strangers. In other words, connect...
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    Started a small business flushing Tankless Water Heaters and made a few $1,000 in the first month. Here’s how I did it

    @siege777 Depends a lot on the local water quality. You might want to try and find out as much as you can on your service area's water quality and how it helps or hurts the life of the water heater. Probably will make your customer much more confident that flushing is necessary.
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    Started a small business flushing Tankless Water Heaters and made a few $1,000 in the first month. Here’s how I did it

    @siege777 Maybe you educate by capturing a jar of the gunk that comes out at first flush. Or simply use your smartphone to document the initial flush and keep it on file. Especially useful in the "Show Me" State.
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    Should I set up my own shop ?

    @trisswines You are developing a market for the manufacturer. Having exclusive marketing rights by territory for a given period of time is common business practice.
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    Should I set up my own shop ?

    @trisswines They're paying you to develop the market for their products/commodities. And be sure to get a sense of the reputation of management for the company that you are negotiating with. Helps to find knowledgeable "third parties" to help you determine whether developing a relationship is...
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    Should I set up my own shop ?

    @trisswines Looked into EXIM for a couple clients. They didn't have an understanding of commodity markets and how they worked at the International level. Foreign countries often have difficult business environments and it's important to factor in the risks. One client is a nonprofit looking...
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    Should I set up my own shop ?

    @trisswines There are many "agent" type work that you can start doing while working on your larger project. It's all about who you know, what you know and how you can help two parties connect and succeed. Building a large network of contacts and building trust in your industry will make it...
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    Should I set up my own shop ?

    @trisswines Have you identified your niche? You can act as a manufacturer's (or producer's) representative and take on the role of business development for the business entity supplying the "commodity." The major risk here is that your supplier will allow you to develop the market for their...
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    I have all these business ideas and yet I am stuck with these questions every single day:

    @derf Maybe, if you take the time and trouble to translate your Vision into a business model, then your mind will quickly decide whether this is a realistic idea or way beyond what I can achieve right now. You should be able to make that decision in an hour or two. Google "Business Canvas...
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    How important is a brand’s value proposition? Any feedback is genuinely appreciated!

    @katautumn Your "Value Proposition" is making a statement on a quality garment. Funding the education of underprivileged children is a global cause that resonates with certain groups. The question is what differentiates children in the Himalayan region? And who would be motivated by the area...
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    I have all these business ideas and yet I am stuck with these questions every single day:

    @derf Business is a machine. It has a set of interlocking building blocks that makes and delivers value to a target audience (the people that need it and have decided that it is a good value). Think lemonade stand. So what part of the machine is triggering your procrastination...
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    P&L for sub contractor

    @jenndoglady You have a job and not a business. The bank wants to get a better handle on your income stream. It really depends on the mortgage company's process of scoring the risk associated with the re-finance. You could maybe ask your contact at the mortgage company about how they handle...
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    Am I Crazy?

    @maxilinko When you say "jobs over your head," could you expand a little? And maybe mention the population density around your town.
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    A family pizza shop with 15+ years looking to build an online presence ( e.g. Instagram, Facebook)

    @emeline Where are you located and what is the demographic profile in your service area (in other words how far do you deliver from your shop)? Do you know what your regular customers love about your pizza? Do you know who they would tell about your pizza? Pizza is memories. Are you connecting...
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    I made over 2k from my digital product/side hustle in 2 months

    @ttander32 Does it come with "NO Bullshit" profits and 'No Bullshit Risks?" Curious minds want to know...
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    Need help with SaaS Acquisition Strategy

    @celiag Yes, it called "revenue and profit."
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    Need help and advice on a new startup im doing

    @telsa Too complicated.
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    Need help with SaaS Acquisition Strategy

    @celiag Love all the technology. But really, can you summarize in "business" language why I should care? Specific business goals and objectives and SMART criteria. Keep it simple.
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    Sharing P&L with Employees

    @west07 The reason that they are employees is because they need to know that YOU are taking care of business and that they can get on with their lives. If you want to motivate people then set some realistic goals and objectives with a little stretch and have say quarterly bonuses that are...
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    Feeling like I was forced into an environment not for me

    @sam2853 Thanks for the positive feedback! There is a well known saying attributed to Thomas Edison: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Most people prefer to ignore the perspiration part. Tenacity and "grit" is a basic requirement and an understanding that...