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    What do you do if your boss or client doesn't understand the value of AI (or are worried about using it)?

    @turfbanner Haha, can just post a question :) Agree on needing to convey in terms of hard facts, but I also think you couldn't say "we can automate 50% of our customer support with AI" and not show them practically how that would work or not result in a huge drop in quality.
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    What do you do if your boss or client doesn't understand the value of AI (or are worried about using it)?

    With AI, show is always, always, always better than tell. It's a new concept. It's a vague term. And it means different things to different people. So it's no wonder clients and management teams are sceptical, worried, or hesitant. They need to see, with their own eyes, how AI can: - Do the...
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    Bootstrapped customer support AI tool, now at $250k/ARR in <8 months. Previously sold 3 startups on Acquire & raised $1.5m. AMA on r/SaaS

    @washedinhisblood Hey, lots of questions on UA and marketing. You can see some of the answers here:\_bootstrapping\_a\_customer\_support\_ai\_tool\_now/
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    Bootstrapped customer support AI tool, now at $250k/ARR in <8 months. Previously sold 3 startups on Acquire & raised $1.5m. AMA on r/SaaS

    As a fellow indie hacker, I wanted to share with this community that I'm doing an AMA over on r/SaaS: Ask me anything about building startups, AI or my current bootstrapped business, My AskAI.
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    5 important things I’m taking away, as SaaS founder, from Sam Altman’s interview with Harry Stebbings

    @calo Yeah, that's definitely in the back of my mind. But every time I see something mentioned about him, it's positive. So I think I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt :)
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    5 important things I’m taking away, as SaaS founder, from Sam Altman’s interview with Harry Stebbings

    Sam’s #1 skill, according to the COO, is his “meniacal focus on the 1 most important thing in the business”. Imagine if we all dedicated 80% of our energy to the most important challenge for our business? Easy principle to understand. Hard to be this disciplined in practise. Sam is brutally...