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  1. X

    [Question] Relational Contact Database. Azure or BigQuery?

    @tylerfrench Basically yeah. One google sheet. Currently I use the column sort then scroll through and copy the rows I want to a 'scratch paper' export sheet. This is the exact process I'd like to automate/simplify.
  2. X

    [Question] Relational Contact Database. Azure or BigQuery?

    @jim2323 We use a CRM for other purposes, but also a CRM is a bit more "involved" than I'd like for the database in question I'm migrating. I'm looking for something more of a souped up spreadsheet.
  3. X

    [Question] Relational Contact Database. Azure or BigQuery?

    Hello! I'm looking to move off of google sheets onto something a bit more robust for my business' contact database. I would really appreciate any guidance on what data service might be the best fit for my needs: I've got about 12k rows currently, I don't anticipate going higher than 20k rows...