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  1. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @bartbreen Yeah having to worry about whether your business will stay afloat does seem really stressful. If your business was to go south, have you made enough money off of it to feel like it was worth it? Would you be pretty well off even if you had to shut it down? What types of businesses...
  2. J

    Will lawn care businesses be replaced by robots in the near future?

    @justquaid Robots taking horses jobs is not going to be the same as robots taking people jobs… horses never needed jobs to pay their bills… growing pains” is a really light way to put massive unemployment to a degree we’ve never experienced before. It’s possible that with enough preparation we...
  3. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @bartbreen 6 12’s still sounds exhausting. Do you work solo? What all are you doing during those 12 hours? What is it that you are always thinking about in your downtime?
  4. J

    Will lawn care businesses be replaced by robots in the near future?

    @kaynic Yea more than likely. I’d say within the next 10 years they will gain a lot of popularity. And what’s sad is they are making robots for virtually everything. Painting? Yep. Cleaning? Yep. Driving snow plows? Yep. Tree cutting robots? Yep. There are warehouses that are pretty much self...
  5. J

    Is starting your own business solo worth it? Is it difficult? I have questions about your experiences

    So the paragraphs below are just some background, you can skip down the questions if you don’t want to read all that. been lurking here a few weeks. I’ve kinda failed at life so far (28 years old). I don’t really have any interest in stem jobs or trades. I can’t really maintain interest in...
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    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @eddie17 Yeah I think if I knew I could set my own hours without it affecting my business too badly I wouldn’t have too much trouble keeping work out of my personal life. I guess what I’m wondering is it’s realistic to only work 8-10 hours a day and still get everything done and make a profit? I...
  7. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @gypsyjill88 So what do you have to do to get to “barely yes” and on average how long would you say it takes to get there?
  8. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @orangetabbycat So working solo, roughly how many hours a week would you say you averaged? Including all the time you spend on marketing, customer complaints, estimating etc? And would you say you make average wage for your area? Or below/above average? Do you feel you are paid well for the...
  9. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @newmove So you do your own marketing, estimating, customer complaints etc I’m assuming? When you say you usually work 40 a week does that include all that or are you talking about just the servicing?
  10. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @newmove How long have you been doing that for?
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    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @newmove What do you do and do you work solo or have you hired people?
  12. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    @gossippk10 I think I would have no problem turning down jobs if I didn’t need the money lol. How often do you need to work more than 8-10 hours a day? And do you work solo or have you hired people?
  13. J

    Is working for yourself (solo business) basically 24/7 work indeifnetly?

    I have been considering starting my own business for a while now. School/trades aren’t for me. I really just enjoy doing things like cleaning/mowing/painting. Problem is most of these jobs don’t really pay a comfortable wage, so the only way I’d be able to make a comfortable wage would be to...