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  1. S

    Startup Startup - The platform connecting talent to build amazing startup teams

    @jezza1 Huh, I actually know the guys at cofounderslab... let's be clear, this is still a rather nascent space, so there is definitely room for growth here. But people's issue here in the past has always been the same thing: monetization. As you say, paying to recruit is not going to do you a...
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    Roast Number One. A visual Q&A App

    @questionsandanswers So the question is, how did Quora pick up their user bases? What did they do to convert users? Where did their marketing spend go to do just that? Don't feel bad if you don't have the answers right now. This is generally the hardest part of any startup. But it is a topic...
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    Roast Number One. A visual Q&A App

    @questionsandanswers Incentive 1 requires a certain cache in reputation that most social media users will not attain, so it's not something I would bank on. Ranks and other gamification gimmicks are solid but assumes that they are already converted. So, goos, but not enough. Incentive 2 is a...
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    Roastmystartup: Sealed — send time delayed messages and gifts

    @jaaye Just a point of clarification: the "who is your user" question is less about demographics, and more about what kind of profile are you going to be looking for. Not all customer segments are defined by demographics, it's just that demographics are generally the easiest to understand...
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    Our Text-to-Speech test build is about to drop in 3 days. Who wants to beat it up and tell us how to make it better?

    My team has built a test product for our text-to-speech product that will read articles / magazines to you. The build is on track to be delivered in 2 days, and I would to love to get some unbiased, biting analysis of what we did right, and but more importantly what we are doing wrong. Tear that...