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  1. M

    Buying a Saas for 50k?

    @bod2411 It's better if you see the TAM is good and answer questions like why is he/she/they/them selling?, How did go about aquiring all these 10,000 users?, Is the customer feedback data and everything stored in a database, etc., All these would be something that I would look for
  2. M

    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    @dr650adv Adding to the above list. Read the book MOM's test. It's just around ~100 pages. Every time I build a product I go back and look at the highlights to refer from. For your referrence, I've published my kindle highlights as a page and here it is...
  3. M

    The 2 AM Inspiration: Visualize Your Saved Posts & Comments Subreddit-Wise - Roast Away!

    On Dec 30, 2023 , at 2 AM, [a Redditor sparked an idea](\_really\_cool\_reddit\_journaling\_thingy\_that\_i/): journal Reddit posts in a tiny black notebook. Inspired, the developer in me, I saw potential in this quirky habit. Eager to...