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  1. N

    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @disciple777 I have no need for it as a SaaS developer, but I’ve also always wanted to start my own dev agency where I’d outsource any design work to a DaaS.
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    Got laid off 2mo ago, learned to code. 1st project with $204.61 revenue so far - Top portable monitors according to Redditors

    @rdavis0720 Good example of niching down, I didn’t even know portable monitors were a thing.
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    WrapPack - single use gift wrap packs

    @annap16 I was thinking just buying wholesale off alibaba then packaging the singles myself. The margins would certainly be low with such a low cost item but appears would still come out profitable (not including marketing or anything yet). Although the margin would be low enough for me to not...
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    Q: How to push Sellers to use my app

    @anastasiabirago So whether you were facing this issue or not you should really try to build out a community of interested people before even building the project let alone launching. Create a landing page, get on Product Hunt, etc. get people excited about your project and awaiting its launch...
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    WrapPack - single use gift wrap packs

    Today I had to run out to Target during lunch to get materials to wrap gifts for my gf's birthday. I obviously had no materials with me since I'm at work and don't do this often. So I went to the gift wrap isle looking for wrapping paper, tape, and perhaps a ribbon/bow. I was dismayed to find...
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    Are oAuth providers (Google, FB, Twiiter, etc.) important for B2C services?

    I'm working on a service similar to Patreon or Ko-fi/BuyMeACoffee, that is meant mostly for B2C but does cater a bit more to businesses than Patreon does. The important part is everyone needs a username, even the donators, so the less friction to add a username the better obviously. I can't...
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    Boots on the ground

    Okay this isn't the most thought out idea, I thought of it and didn't feel like looking more into it so thought I'd share instead of wasting it. Imagine if companies like AirBnb wanted to verify that the homes registered on their site actually exist and that the owner actually owns the place...