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  1. J

    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @mynu Damn you endurance and hustle is admirable! On a different note, how do you know what your building could be sold today? Investment and business are related but different you know.
  2. J

    Got an interview!

    @dave56786 Got in !!
  3. J

    Got an interview!

    @tomvalois Absolutely. Will document our journey very thoroughly.
  4. J

    Got an interview!

    @rethink88 That is most amazing. Would mean a lot. Thanks.
  5. J

    Got an interview!

    @rethink88 Shiboleth
  6. J

    Got an interview!

    @shongy19 It is hard to say. I got 3 views yesterday. Could be them. I think they print out the profile IMO and share with everyone.
  7. J

    Got an interview!

    @rmh716 Yes
  8. J

    Got an interview!

    @613jono Literally a minute before the deadline. I got the invite an hour ago.
  9. J

    Got an interview!

    Got an interview. Feels so surreal. Update: we got in !!!! Will write another post about the interview process. P.S : DM me and I can send a link to the website if you are interested