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    Am i doing this wrong? Your views on pre-launch m.v.p..

    @dyke101 Great feedback!! Thank you Over the past month I've been having loads of conversations and pitching in different ways trying to see what sticks. It's been an evolution, but clearly i let the technical slip back in. Super helpful reminder not to! =D
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    Am i doing this wrong? Your views on pre-launch m.v.p..

    @john20050 I don't disagree. (And appreciate your heart in helping!) I won't go into the long explanation of why i the took the steps in order as I did [combination of a variety of life & professional factors]
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    Am i doing this wrong? Your views on pre-launch m.v.p..

    @john20050 It's a fair question. For me it's a two-part answer. Short answer is I don't. All prevailing wisdom puts smart money on those who sell then build. 😂 My nuanced answer is you're right and this is what I plan to do now. I see everything I've built thus far as just the untested...
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    Am i doing this wrong? Your views on pre-launch m.v.p..

    @theodoric Thanks for this insight. I like your landing page (and colour scheme!) Great result on the $300MRR. That's an impressive achievement for sure.
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    Am i doing this wrong? Your views on pre-launch m.v.p..

    Prevailing wisdom says build a landing page and do pre-sales before writing a single line of code. But is this always the right advice? What happens if your SaaS has a simple value proposition but a deep technical moat behind-the-scenes to deliver it reliably, robustly and simply? To get...
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    My SaaS got 60 users in < 24h 🚀

    @thecrayolaeffect Nicely done, Mehdi! Keep it up!!
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    Garry's response to the rubric

    @trying_to_make_it yes, especially curious on the age factor. Sure there's lots of lost folks out there looking for a plan b. But we aren't all lost. And for those of us whose life brought us into career, family, etc. service for a spell, I'm still believing there's a pathway to unicorn for the...
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    My rollercoaster journey from $0 to $1k/mo, all the way to $30k/mo, and then failure (back to $0/mo)

    @miles77 Hang in there! Best of everything for your next build. Hey, apart from the platform risk, what lesson's learned and take-aways can you apply to the Zylvie? Bet there's more than one.
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    My rollercoaster journey from $0 to $1k/mo, all the way to $30k/mo, and then failure (back to $0/mo)

    @miles77 NIce! My account is new, so that may be why. Super response here! Really honest and solid insights. Thanks for sharing.
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    I launched a tool for short form video creators. How do I get it in users' hands?

    @oneluv keep promoting your tools and sharing with others in your network. getting momentum is the hardest thing but you've got a good product here!
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    I launched a tool for short form video creators. How do I get it in users' hands?

    @oneluv this is really impressive! Everyone talks about the long tail at the beginning so don't lose hope. I've bookmarked it and wlll try it out -- i have a few video short i wanted to try making so it's good timing
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @mitchb Sure. That's the comparator here... AI wrapper as just add salt had fastly diminishing value. But using AI in an innovative way to unlock new potential in tech will be a boon.
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    Thoughts on Aesthetic MVPs?

    @flipflop2234 I may be incorrectly reading into your post. But I wonder whether you're making a strawman argument on both sides. The prevailing wisdom is correct. You should get a viable solution into the hands of first-users early. On the other extreme there are some solutions which require...
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @frankmu well they surely made a big mistake to give our spots to glorified wrappers!! lol. not angry at all lol
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @ams59 Not a controversial opinion. Theo's right on this.