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    How to grow the first $3k MRR of a SaaS tool?

    @nabidreams You mean any tool to understand the painpoint of your leads? Or something else? What do you mean by "leads information"?
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    How I found product-market fit (and how we knew we had it)

    @cornbreadfed614 How is Commandbar better than your competitors?
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    How to grow the first $3k MRR of a SaaS tool?

    @nabidreams The differentiators you stated are not attractive-enough. I'd say it's fluff. Don't get me wrong. Your tool might have a simple UX and unique feature set, etc. But these are things almost everyone in the market argues about. As a potential customer, these points don't mean anything...
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    How to grow the first $3k MRR of a SaaS tool?

    @nabidreams Do you have competitors? If yes, what are you differentiators and value props?
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    We had 122 signups last week. (zero marketing spend)

    @markde916 That's pretty good numbers with zero/bad marketing. It shows how good your product must be. But how is it different compared to your competitors - say Trello or Notion for instance?
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    $20k in Sales with AppSumo Launch and no Marketing budget😌

    @coffeecor I'm curious. Do you have competitors? If yes, how are you better?