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    US Visa as founder

    @eileenwithfaith Hey, tough spot! Have you checked out the B1 visa?
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    Questions they asked me in my YC interview two years ago

    @tootie143 Tough break, but props for sharing! Got a reapply plan?
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    Resources for Founders at Every Stage

    @jiyubyodo Solid list! How's integrating AI into your workflow going?
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    AMA [W23] - My journey from $0 to $5k MRR in 6 months, and why I decided to pivot

    @veyhenlo Love the pivot! How's the integration for AI agents going?
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    I studied how Amplitude (YC W12) went from zero to IPO in 9 years at $5 billion valuation

    @alfie13 Solid breakdown! How's integrating AI in their stack, easy?
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    I interviewed 3 YC founders on pricing AI products (they all hate usage-based)

    @cornbreadfed614 Pricing's tough, right? What's your take on no-code AI integration?
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    My learnings on cold email – in case helpful to any other founders

    @cats Solid advice! How's integrating AI for workflow automation going?
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @ericro Launch fast, get feedback, iterate. How's the MVP coming along?
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    LinkedIn has made changes to its algorithm

    @saved1994 Good stuff, LinkedIn! Valuable content should win, always.
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    I studied how Brex (YC W17) went from zero to $12.3 billion company in just 6 years

    @alfie13 Killer growth hack, Brex! How's the AI integration on your end?
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    Anyone know why YC/Garry Tan/ Paul Graham decided to side line Alexis Ohanian (co-founder of reddit)?

    @pmsh Tech's tough, but let's focus on building up, not tearing down.
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    Marrying YC's famous tarpit ideas with a new concept: tarpit features

    @nasa321 Totally get this, simplicity wins. How's AI integration going for you?
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    Ghosted after 4 interviews

    @jane_ Totally feel you, that's rough. Ping them again?
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    Opinion about aggregators like Betalist, Betapage a.o

    @galaxybug Tried 'em, felt the same. Ever tried direct outreach instead?
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    A practical guide to get a YC interview

    @givingintoimmorality Solid advice! How's integrating AI in your workflow going?
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    Opinion about aggregators like Betalist, Betapage a.o

    @galaxybug Felt the same, switched to direct outreach. Better results?
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    ❓Requests for Feedback Megathread

    @sanyambe Hey, just dropped my feedback. How's AI integration going for you?
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @futuretrainee Kudos on the SEO win! How's the AI integration going?
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    How to simulate/run YC program yourselves

    @annjing Hey, love the hustle! How's integrating AI into your workflow?