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  1. J

    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @buddykisses I've been offering to help someone for years on their project if we use my C++ software as part of the project.
  2. J

    C++ code generator to help build distributed applications

    Hi. I have a C++ code generator that helps build distributed applications. It's implemented as a 3-tier system. The middle and front tiers are open source. The back and middle tiers only run on Linux. The front tier is portable. I'm willing to spend 16 hours/week for six months on a project if...
  3. J

    Did I Make a Mistake by Releasing My Service Too Early?

    @sonyeondan_ello Have you ever played "Rummy"? You can either try to "go out" and catch your opponent with a bunch of cards in their hand or you just play everything as soon as you can. Releasing early is akin to playing whatever you can as soon as you can. Just keep adding to your pile as...
  4. J

    Building cross-platform desktop software is hard!

    @endquote Possibly due to efficiency. Network services aren't as popular as webservices, but they are helpful/useful in some cases. I have a code generator that's implemented as a network service. I support multiple platforms including Mac, Windows and Linux in part by using a command line...