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  1. P

    Buying recycling plant -- Need advice

    @tinks Ok I'll bite. You're paying almost 5x profits, and the financials aren't audited and you haven't included a balance sheet. This business (I think) has a lot of equipment and probably land too. Balance sheet is really important to see in this case. But as others have said, you really need...
  2. P

    I’d like to buy a business I helped build but can’t afford

    @christopherc Revenue is not profits. How profitable is it? Your best option is seller financing. How much they are willing to take is hard to predict. It sounds like you worked with them for years, so they trust you and they know you can (I assume) deliver. That's worth a lot to a seller.
  3. P

    Buying recycling plant -- Need advice

    @marilynliddell OP plans to put 5% down, so I guess they have $120k.. but no money for a CPA or lawyer.