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  1. R

    How to do marketing on Reddit with zero budget

    @jayforjesus Yes, don't be too "salesy" when talking with people in general. Have genuine conversations and don't make it only about your product.
  2. R

    How to do marketing on Reddit with zero budget

    @conoro You're welcome!
  3. R

    How to do marketing on Reddit with zero budget

    @zuly Exactly, you can't please everyone. Thank you and hopefully you can use these tips in your journey as well. :D
  4. R

    How to do marketing on Reddit with zero budget

    Hey, fellow indie hackers! 👋 I recently wrote a post on Twitter about how you can use Reddit to market your product and find early adopters. Here is the full post: So you want to market your product on Reddit? Here are some things I've learnt while doing it for the past month. Setup Don't...