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  1. C

    I created a SaaS in 6 hours

    @adamhendron Wow 6 hours is impressive. It took me months to build a simple AI wrapper. That's because I spent a significant amount of time overthinking everything. I envy people like you who can make a decision and then ship.
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    After 5 weeks of weekend development and changing my mind, infrastructure, and pricing model 12 times, I finally got it out the door

    @gspfever08 This might be the most relatable post title ever. I’m in this process right now. Congrats on getting your product out the door. I hope I get there soon too
  3. C

    I launched my SaaS ($1,000 on launch day!)

    @slaveofchrist Congrats! How did you get your first users to make $1000 on launch day ?
  4. C

    Frustrated with what to buy when it came to online fashion I created a tool to help me

    @biblicaleq Yeah I thought about making this a chrome extension but online stores vary to where you can find the fabric composition of clothes. But I may build it, it will just take some time to develop.
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    Frustrated with what to buy when it came to online fashion I created a tool to help me

    There is so much low quality and unsustainable fashion out there and I was having hard time determining what is a good to buy. Then I came across a woman talking about natural fibers in fashion on TikToK. She explained how natural fibers in clothing make the items last longer, are more...