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  1. K

    Who are your favourite Indie Hacking YouTubers?

    @oneyoungman I feel you, but not exactly about Marc. I see there are Founders shit posting on X, IndieHackers, or Reddit who even automate spamming repetitive advice/controversial takes, just to boost their businesses and grow "blind" audience. Marc is different in the form of being really...
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    Who are your favourite Indie Hacking YouTubers?

    @thomasfjones as Marc is a real Founder pioneer, building in public and sharing his ups and downs from 0 to $100k+ a month!!
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @happychristian738 I'm sorry, but from seeing a few of your comments I see you more into discouraging fellow founders from building... we should support each other! I try things, share my journey, and don't say it's the best way, simply share tips from someone who made a progress in the startup...
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    Sharing the list of sources that can bring traffic for your SaaS

    @jerrygg38 r/SideProject , r/SaaS , r/indiehackers most of the time, but try to bring value and don't spam "look I launched check it now!!" because people will dislike you :) I feel it's easier to reach hunderds of users there than on Twitter/TikTok which include a lot of virality in the...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @evi Been there, done that and failed miserably. "Lost" a year building a note-taking app with some unique proposition I thought I will win over customers. I wanted it to be dedicated for remot workers, connect Google Calendar, one click to join Google Meet, auto add Notes to Meetings, etc...
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    Sharing the list of sources that can bring traffic for your SaaS

    @jerrygg38 @jerrygg38 can you share what results you've got from those sources? I recently launched StartupUtils and what surprised me is people from Reddit and IndieHackers seemed to care more about the product. I failed ProductHunt launch (didn't get featured, only few upvotes), and get...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @tke129 @tke129 so did you build anything successful and want to share with us as an example? I understand your point of view. That's how the journey looks for most of small people with a dream to build something great online: start as a noob, launch non commercial projects upgrade to "indie...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @tevkevhop I had non-binding contracts and thanks to my residence and use of LemonSqueezy for payments as a merchant of record, they take care of taxes, so I can focus on building for now :) Later when I will make bigger sales, I will consider different strategy, based on local biz...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @claireu1111 The success tastes better after such a crazy road :)
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @adean All my marketing is executed "for free". Only one payment I made was recently for IndieHackers Premium Profile 25$ for a year to get follow backlink and test whether it will help with a domain authority. I write honestly, openly about my business, learnings, failures on sources like IH...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @broken1989 Yup. Consuming content about other great Solo Founders reminds me daily to stop overthinking, building too advanced features and the idea to create "1-feature-only" MVPs is awesome. Already got results from that compared to prev years building so big apps for no reason into the void...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    Hi. I left a 9-5 job as a full stack dev, built 2 new startups, and made my first money from both. Rethinking life, I have a conclusion I could do it without leaving a full-time job. You can too. Having more free time helped me build faster (~ 3 weeks to MVP). But I wouldn't have made it here...