Search results

  1. B

    I’m a Growth PM looking to help a few startups here get their first 10 customers profitably (for free)

    One of my ideas - - I basically did this sans #4 and #5. Purely organic I have 132 emails. I'm thinking about doing #4 and #5 soon. P.S. #5 I knew about but never considered it a step. So I might do that now with my email list. If 20 put down $100, then I will hire a dev (hate the...
  2. B

    I’m a Growth PM looking to help a few startups here get their first 10 customers profitably (for free)

    @kayheartsong I have too many ideas I want to build. As a Technical PM, I sort of know the process - launch a landing page, demand before supply, etc. Curious what your "proof of customer" approach is. Does this look right? Product estimation. Think about how big the market actually is If...