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  1. S

    What are common repetitive tasks encountered when developing a SaaS?

    @njn Not exactly, this just provides a starter template. It doesn't do any administration
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    What are common repetitive tasks encountered when developing a SaaS?

    @shiawaseippai Now this is interesting.
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    What are common repetitive tasks encountered when developing a SaaS?

    @godislove333 Yeah big issue, Was thinking, you could login to the respective platforms and a puppeteer bot hijacks the webpage and automatically fills and submits the forms ?
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    What are common repetitive tasks encountered when developing a SaaS?

    I'm thinking of building an automation tool for the following: Domain registration DNS record updates Connecting DNS records to Cloudflare Setting up email provider (and updating the DNS records: mx, dkim, etc) Setting up email delivery (sendgrid, mailgun, resend, zeptomail) Billing (stripe...