Search results

  1. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @syuzvr This is the closest I've been able to find to what I'm looking for. Google Correlate can also be somewhat useful. Neither is robust enough to really solve the problem.
  2. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @ehnglo Downvoted because neither Google nor Market Samurai do this.
  3. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @ptrk Downvoted because I checked both of those places out and neither has the tool / solution to do what I describe.
  4. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%97%87 I've used SEMrush they don't have a tool that does this.
  5. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @jessileigh I want someone to copy the idea. I don't have the technical capacity nor the desire to fight the likely political battles with Google, etc to get this done. My use of the tool would be like this: The keyword "helpdesk software" is very boring to write articles about and is a very...
  6. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @rocknrollah6ur1 It could actually be done by a 3rd party, but yes, users would need to be willing to hand over their search data. One way a 3rd party could get this data, for Google Searches for example, would be to be granted access to a Google user's search history...
  7. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    @hancha I will check r/SEO. I'm no SEO noob here though. Since no one has furnished a link to a tool that does exactly what I describe, I doubt it exists.
  8. N

    People who searched for keyword "X" also searched for keywords "Q,Y, & Z". Does this product/service exist?

    Does an online tool like this exist? Does anyone else think this information would be helpful?