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  1. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @runestar Trees grows, slow and steady so does Grancoin and Nordlandia. What more is it that you need to now? This is a mindshift more than it is for you to understand. We got all funding in money, now we are implementing time. Since Time is Money, we would love to hire you to play our...
  2. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @runestar I'm convinced and it is constantly growing. When it comes to money people are scared, and so maybe you still are. What is the most critical problem in cryptocurrencies do you think? Yes, sure. You can buy in to a fund or a company, that is not our point. We are starting a new land...
  3. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @runestar I'm just doing reverse psychology, roasting goes both ways. The business is mainly for digital innovation, that's how we can develop a prosperous community for our Bitnation Nordlandia. The forest is owned by a Foundation called Regrowth, is not just going to plant trees, it's going to...
  4. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @runestar I dont think this presentation is going to be here for a long time, I just want to show you 0.05% of what I've done. Did you now it takes about 120 years for a "spruce" to grow to it's full size? You might be the real dumbass if I read the 21st ammendment to the Nordlandia constitution...
  5. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @runestar So trees grows right? Guess you are born in a city dumbass.
  6. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @sonofedward Hey man, your mum looks like an old gatorade/irish springs/home depot advertisement, who now has an eating disorder. Let me know some real thoughts instead about concept. Bebas Neue is a cool font, and you might be right and wrong. But still, way to much text just regarding the font.
  7. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @nguyenthanhdi Yes, great! We will work on updates to inform you later. The only way to get this coin is by investing with your time. Do you have 1 hour of time, so we can discuss how to improve this concept? I will donate coins to you just for your sacrifice in time. Some say time = money...
  8. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @nguyenthanhdi Hello my dear roaster! Yes, we were very eager to launch our website, major updates are coming in the next few days, since we don't have a thread yet on bitcoin-talk and we decided to rip our whitepaper to launch a "Greenpaper". We're setting up a fundraising and independent...
  9. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    @leo123 You won the Wannabe award of 2k17.
  10. P

    Grancoin - The asset with a soul

    Here it goes. yeah, have a look on our youtube-video first. is our webpage, content is to be changed and don't roast this as we're rewriting the whole whitepaper to fit our foundations needs. Grancoin - The asset with a soul The greenest cryptocurrency with ZERO fiat currency...