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  1. S

    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @ejohnson It’s a fair point. We use “App Store for surgery” sometimes.
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @ejohnson CEO/co-founder of Andromeda here. Nintendo was a pioneer in game console development when they opened up the NES to third-party licensing in 1986. Similarly, our goal is to build an AI-enabled surgical robot that others can build on. Medical hardware is really expensive and...
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    Garry's response to the rubric

    @wantsgirl I don’t have stats involving those metrics but have looked at over 1000 YC companies with Pioneer Fund so have a good general sense. Most of those factors (except maybe age) matter to some extent, though they aren’t the most important signals. For example, working for a YC startup...
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    Garry's response to the rubric

    @sen_ I just did YC at 40 this year. The age thing is inaccurate, as is most of this chart.