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  1. G

    Incorporating my startup in the US as a European

    @613jono You can either get a job from a US company and they get you the H-1B visa, or you can get an O1 visa for special recognition in your country, or you can start studying in the US and get a student visa, or you can marry an American. Maybe there are more options, I am not a lawyer :)
  2. G

    Incorporating my startup in the US as a European

    @jesusdaughter146 You don’t need to be American or live in the US to open a US C-corp. They have explained it well on the Stripe Atlas website. I have opened my company 5 years ago, and I am European. Advice: don’t open a company until you need to write someone an invoice (charge your product).
  3. G

    Where to live during Y Combinator?

    @lillian2014 What do you mean by “were part of the scheduled application period”? You mean if you applied before deadline?
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    Update: We got an interview!

    @olubiola Did you already have it? How did it go?
  5. G

    In-person YC interviews (U.S startups)

    @a3m0n The best would be to let founders choose what they want, either in person or remotely. I definitely wouldn’t mind taking a trip to their office (you can always combine it with other meetings)
  6. G

    Garry's response to the rubric

    @trying_to_make_it Of course he will say that..
  7. G

    YC Interview in 2 hours

    @erik111 Good luck. What are you building?