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  1. J

    Wind Power Wholesale Sell Price Discussion

    @dawes Thanks for the insights! Finally had some free time to delve further into this topic. I took a look at the PJMs, lowest I found was $54 at 4AM. That would be quite inline with the rate I used (1.8c/kWh) times 3 like you suggested. At the rate $54/MWh + the PTC of $0.026/kWh, even using...
  2. J

    Wind Power Wholesale Sell Price Discussion

    @murfy You are correct, they are indeed renewed. I have updated the post with an EDIT section that goes over PTC's included. It still agrees though that the rate is way too low and unprofitable at that rate.
  3. J

    Wind Power Wholesale Sell Price Discussion

    @murfy Good catch, I did not know about PTCs. However, unless Bidens bill he just passed renewed it, they have expired for any wind farm constructed after December 31st 2021 So it would seem, the industry will have...
  4. J

    Wind Power Wholesale Sell Price Discussion

    @poetricia Thanks for the reply, I would love to hear more about how it works and your experiences in the industry. But I am confused on the cost per kWh for capital cost listed in the PDF. They state it between $700 and $1,300 for wind. Where are they getting this from? That cost would only...
  5. J

    Wind Power Wholesale Sell Price Discussion

    I am a bit confused on the business practices of onshore wind farms and, well green energy in general. Wind energy is cheaper to produce than conventional ways, yet the sale price for it appears to be absurdly low? Below, I outline this in more details and a very basic cost run-through for a...