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  1. P

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @corr I'm going to assume non-US then, somewhere in the EU- where those rates make more sense.
  2. P

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @corr That's why you pay the tax expert to do it for you. No one I know, myself included, pay anywhere near 50% in the NE US. Your effective rate would most likely be 20-35% or lower with deductions.
  3. P

    Ways to reduce my small business tax burden in USA

    @amicrazy90 Hire a CPA and let them deal with this. Focus on growing your business. What's better- focusing on saving 5-10% on taxes on your existing income or grow your business and income 20-30%? You'll be far better off simply focusing on growth. Not only do you have more income, but you will...