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  1. Q

    [Question] What do you guys think of drag along rights as a minority member?

    @carlssonjeseth Thank you for the advice! I definitely trust my business partner - we've had a professional relationship for over 10 years now and he is certainly a heavyweight in this field. We have an agreement that pays me salary/benefits above what I could find elsewhere so the equity is...
  2. Q

    [Question] What do you guys think of drag along rights as a minority member?

    @brookeshien I was scrolling through my old posts and found this. Thanks again for the advice. I figured I'd give an update. We sold 3 months ago, but as a strategic acquisition for a management consulting firm. It more or less played out exactly like you said, except we got a few offers, and...
  3. Q

    [Question] What do you guys think of drag along rights as a minority member?

    My partner (80%) and I (20%) are formalizing our operating agreement and there's a provision in there about Drag-Along Rights, where if he sells I may be forced to sell as well. While we are both aligned that we want to sell the company to private equity in the next 5 years, I just want to make...