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  1. H

    Day 7- Were there any pivots or changes made to the original concept based on validation? (Read the post for explanation)

    People who have started their business, this is for you. I have seen many posts about this, do you have a similar story? -What specific aspects of the original concept were validated or invalidated? -What kind of validation methods were used? (e.g., user interviews, market research, A/B...
  2. H

    Day 2- At what Age did you decide to Start with Business and what motivated you to do so?

    @dubhlainn Dayum! Short and sweet. Btw How long ago was this?
  3. H

    Day 2- At what Age did you decide to Start with Business and what motivated you to do so?

    Firstly, thanks for all the responses y’all sent yesterday. I really appreciate it. So today, I spent over 40 mins coming up with these questions; feel free to base your responses on them. Onto the intro, We’ve all got that moment, that sparks that ignites the desire to be our own boss, to...
  4. H

    Day 6- what did the timeline between coming up with the idea to launching the product/ service look like?

    2 hours 🤔, this is what I came up with: Idea Validation Stage: -How long did it take to validate the initial idea? -What methods were used to validate the idea (e.g., market research, surveys, focus groups)? Development Stage: -What was the overall development timeframe for the...
  5. H

    Day 8- What was the duration of the launch campaign of your business?

    A campaign is something I think that most online businesses go for, while physical ones go for a launch day. I would like to know your story. -Was there a specific launch date or event? -Did the campaign have a set end date or timeframe (e.g., "one week," "limited time offer")? -Were there...
  6. H

    So I started my MILLION Dollar Weekend last Sat

    @glojoy5434 Thanks for the reply! Actually many people I have shared it with said they had never seen this video and it kind of changed their mind about privacy from a dormant to the active part of the brain and made them look forward to the course. Also I didn’t take the newsletter approach...
  7. H

    So I started my MILLION Dollar Weekend last Sat

    @charles15 I mean it’s all about starting fast, so core concepts should work for most. Although read the entire thing it’s worth it.
  8. H

    So I started my MILLION Dollar Weekend last Sat

    @lucyflor I get your point, the question I would ask you is- do you want privacy or secrecy? Seems like there is an overlap in your question. The reason I’m offering this for free is because I hardly spent $50 on this (domain,hosting) and use a free tier email automation tool. I want this to be...
  9. H

    So I started my MILLION Dollar Weekend last Sat

    @lucyflor Not really, because what privacy means is to have the right to share the information to the people you want it to be shared to. You can always choose to not enter your mail if you don’t want to sign up.
  10. H

    So I started my MILLION Dollar Weekend last Sat

    Q. Did I make a Million Dollars? A. No, but I started on my path. Here’s how: I am writing this post inspired by the book Noah Kagan wrote with the same name. Go check it out. Or watch the video he made about it here: Based on this I decided to stop procrastinating about the next idea instead...
  11. H

    Day 5- How did your personal interests or skills influence the way you designed or approached your business idea?

    The brain fog on this one was *BIG *… spent 30 mins and couldn’t come up with a single supporting question. Finally 😮‍💨 1 hour later this is what i got: -Can you give a specific example of how your passion for X translated into a feature or aspect of your business? -Did you identify a gap in...