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  1. T

    Go and call. Connect the internet to your phone number

    @runestar Thanks for the answer one more time! So, let me describe it with some specific case. I do leave abroad. And I used to buy some goods for the parents from the online shops from the country they live. If I have some issues with the online retailers I prefer to call them in order to...
  2. T

    Go and call. Connect the internet to your phone number

    @runestar Hello! 1) Google voice requires a plugin. 2) Google voice doesn't let your customers call your phone for free. 3) You can't simply let someone call you with google voice it requires: -- An app -- A plugin -- Google account from both sides (I can be wrong here)
  3. T

    Go and call. Connect the internet to your phone number

    Hello, I’m reaching you out again here on Reddit :) We are building the service and we really need the feedback and the advice. The service is quite simple: 1 - You are adding the phone number to the system 2 - You are associating the link with the number (for example...