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    How to get into YC

    @ally777 Fantastic! Thanks for sharing this
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    A mobile Reddit cold outreach - lead generation tool, looking for beta users

    Hey IndieHackers, I have literally just deployed to production my mobile app earlier today: a lead generation (cold outreach) mobile app for Reddit. You can see the demo video here. Would love your feedback. If you're an indie hacker or marketer working on your SaaS, I think this tool could...
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    Personalize customer experience, based on user behavior

    @jeromiusintoonesimus Many thanks! We now have %20 discount for early adopters on pricing.
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    Personalize customer experience, based on user behavior

    Hello r/StartupAccelerators, We are building - customer experience personalization for SaaS products. Imagine that when you go to a burger restaurant, you receive a personalized digital menu. Just like this, you can completely personalize the menus, navbar, theme. It is an API &...
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    Our Discord Community

    Hello r/StartupAccelerators! Ferhat here. I set up a Discord server for founders & accelerator partners! ✨ Inspiring conversations with fellow solo founders. 💡 Creative brainstorming sessions. 🔍 Valuable insights on bootstrapping, growth, and product development. 📢 Opportunities for...