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  1. W

    I am building a way to easily find leads on Reddit

    @dbslkc Yeah similar, but more focussed on the finding leads part (will expand to other platforms in the future) than audience research. I also found it annoying that I couldn't connect my Reddit account and simply reply w/o leaving the website / manage my leads properly and imo it's quite...
  2. W

    I am building a way to easily find leads on Reddit

    Hey guys, I am building MentionFunnel, which is an app that will help you easily find leads on Reddit Basically the way it works is that you can enter keywords ("X alternative", "tool for Y", "create Z" etc.) and pick subreddits that are relevant to you. When someone mentions one of your...
  3. W

    I am building a way to easily find leads on Reddit

    @randy229812 Thanks! Yeah definitely planning on adding new platforms in the future (Twitter will probably be the first) 😄 I don't use a cron job, since I'm fetching more than once per minute. It's really simple, I just fetch X comments/submissons every Y seconds (within Reddit's rate limit)...
  4. W

    I am building a way to easily find leads on Reddit

    Hey guys, I am building MentionFunnel, which is an app that will help you easily find leads on Reddit Basically the way it works is that you can enter keywords ("X alternative", "tool for Y", "create Z" etc.) and pick subreddits that are relevant to you. When someone mentions one of your...
  5. W

    I built a social listening tool to help find leads on Reddit, Hacker News and Twitter

    Hey guys, I am building MentionFunnel, which is a social listening tool for Reddit, Hacker News and Twitter. I posted about it on here ~2 months ago and people seemed to be interested. I launched it about a month ago and in the meantime added HN and Twitter, polished up everything and got my...