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  1. S

    WHAT’S MORE EDUCATIONAL: running a restaurant for 6 years or getting an MBA in the same amount of time?

    @hoping I’m counting from the moment someone starts their bachelors degree. Basically two high school graduates: one goes to college and other starts off as a dish washer/waiter at a restaurant and after 6 years rises to management
  2. S

    WHAT’S MORE EDUCATIONAL: running a restaurant for 6 years or getting an MBA in the same amount of time?

    @antitox Low barrier but you have to tread water like crazy
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    WHAT’S MORE EDUCATIONAL: running a restaurant for 6 years or getting an MBA in the same amount of time?

    @truthinlight SaaS sales to be more specific. Sure we have a CRM and whatnot but falling behind somehow doesn’t emotionally register as much in that world
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    WHAT’S MORE EDUCATIONAL: running a restaurant for 6 years or getting an MBA in the same amount of time?

    @truthinlight IMHO emotional understanding must precede intellectual understanding. I recently took a job as a line cook despite coming from the software world to see what it was like. Cooking in a high pressure environment will convince you within ONE SHIFT why you need to adhere to a system...
  5. S

    WHAT’S MORE EDUCATIONAL: running a restaurant for 6 years or getting an MBA in the same amount of time?

    Who comes out with more business sense on the other end?