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  1. K

    I’m 16 and want to sell an e-book, I need advice

    @dianafrancis great advice. build a following first and then monetize
  2. K

    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    @gregh87 thanks! great question. it does cost me per use of the AI, but it's very minimal. For these first 12,000 or so users, i've paid maybe a few hundred dollars... maybe a bit more. Fair price to build a user base IMO
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    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    @jaylyn thanks! right now we are manually feeding it data for it to train and learn on. Will update you if we find a better way.
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    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    @wifekd hi there It's using open source AI tools yes but chat gpt doesnt have an API just yet. so it's using AI and we trained it on startups and business etc.
  5. K

    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    @itisi thanks provide a little value, for free, and giving up an email address is a no brainer :D
  6. K

    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    @rtc91 well, execution is the key. i think that's the next thing we'll dive into on the site. WHAT to do next.
  7. K

    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    @lilybelle thanks! always interested in feedback of what additional help you think we could provide with AI and roadmaps etc.
  8. K

    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    Hey everyone. I'm Aron. We created a simple site at and we have over 10,000 registered users in a matter of a couple of weeks. Averaging 500+ new users every day. Zero paid ads. The site helps people with their startup ideas. Here's the secret that has worked for me, more...