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  1. S

    $0 CAC, 1,000 email subscribers, and a 56% open rate... here's how

    Hey everyone, I recently have been building a weekly startup idea newsletter called and got my first 1,000 subscribers in 12 days! I used 0 paid ads! All subscribers were totally free! Fast forward to the end for the takeaways... Backstory Since January I have been...
  2. S

    First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch

    @joyfulspirit68 yes! just ship it. a lot of people do this when their dev starts to drag. if you don't ship fast you'll get stuck in a rut forever. momentum is key. so yea ship it. if you feel stuck surround yourself with people who have a successful mindset so you can bounce ideas since...