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  1. R

    If you could borrow @levelsio's brain for a 1-1 chat, what would you ask him?

    over the past few days, I got the AI craze and came up with the idea of creating a 2nd brain for Peter Levels based on his internet knowledge (AI ChatBot). The end goal would be to have him own & enrich his 2nd Brain with his personal data (from WhatsApp, notion, email …). WTF is the value of...
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    AI girlfriend (Caryn AI) but for business coaching -- bring your project from 0 to 1 in a sec

    @ahiah1 There is a significant difference between a "2nd brain" and ChatGPT, as the owner of a 2nd brain can nrich any information they desire, such as personal update new business ideas. Can ChatGPT perform this function as well?
  3. R

    AI girlfriend (Caryn AI) but for business coaching -- bring your project from 0 to 1 in a sec

    @613jono I'm stoked that you dig the idea and see its potential :) Btw who are the specific entrepreneurs you're hoping to engage with?
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    AI girlfriend (Caryn AI) but for business coaching -- bring your project from 0 to 1 in a sec

    @radio1111 good point here. I used and it's basically a great product for companies that want to integrate a chatbot on their website ("Just upload your documents or add a link to your website") -- it's like a btoc approach. Our focus is on developing 2nd brains for business coaches...
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    AI girlfriend (Caryn AI) but for business coaching -- bring your project from 0 to 1 in a sec

    @holeyoli I'm glad you like the idea! We could even start the chat by asking users if they already have a business idea. And if they don't, the business coach can suggest some ideas based on their favorite topics. So, does my suggestion resonate with what you had in mind? p.s. I have...
  6. R

    AI girlfriend (Caryn AI) but for business coaching -- bring your project from 0 to 1 in a sec

    over the past few days, I got the AI craze especially after stumbling upon this AI girlfriend called Caryn AI. So I came up with the idea of creating the same AI chatbot but for business advice. "WTF is this???" Imagine having access to 2nd brain of top entrepreneurs like Paul Graham (YC)...