Search results

  1. F - Uses AI to write a haiku out of daily news headlines and generates a corresponding image w/ the Stable Diffusion AI model

    @that1gurl77798 thanks for checking it out - and I can certainly run those images through the filters you mentioned. That will probably provide some variety. Since you mentioned "a daily commentary on the state of the world," if you're interested in that kind of thing, I have another site...
  2. F - Uses AI to write a haiku out of daily news headlines and generates a corresponding image w/ the Stable Diffusion AI model

    @scrivener thanks man! from a quick look at your profile, it looks like you're into a lot of the same stuff as I am =)
  3. F - Uses AI to write a haiku out of daily news headlines and generates a corresponding image w/ the Stable Diffusion AI model

    @scrivener yeah I monitor the bandwidth daily as I host that physical server myself and have several sites running on it. thanks for the tip though.
  4. F - Uses AI to write a haiku out of daily news headlines and generates a corresponding image w/ the Stable Diffusion AI model

    @scrivener a very small amount, the Stable Diffusion model is $2/1000 API hits. I had around $10 in credits from an old project that was a commercial venture, and since this is a fairly trivial thing that I can't see getting all that much traffic, I figure the site should be good for a while. If...
  5. F - Uses AI to write a haiku out of daily news headlines and generates a corresponding image w/ the Stable Diffusion AI model

    This is a rather simple project written in PHP, JavaScript, and some backend database code. Essentially, it uses the fantastic NewsAPI to automatically gather news headlines on a daily basis from about 50k different publishers, which include basically all the sources used by Google News. These...