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  1. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @yippeeforskippee I think maybe that's the next stage. Although I can't necessarily afford an overseas trip right always has been a dream of mine to bikepack the Swiss Alps. Or on a smaller scale, pack a tent in my Subaru Outback and go explore the country some more. Thank you friend.
  2. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @tubescreamer Spot on. We’ve been running an AI x Game Dev startup. The game dev space is very turbulent with awful job security so I think I’ll pivot out of games industry, but I really enjoyed Automation in my IT job out of college. I was essentially an automation analyst who found ways to...
  3. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @wolfdylan I really appreciate it, thank you tons for the kind words and advice. I tell people all the time that I truly miss programming. My CTO is a legitimate genius in Python and every time he shows me code, I always say “holy shit I wish I knew how to do that.” and really regret that I...
  4. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @richboat Wow. Thank you tremendously for sharing your journey, it’s inspiring to hear how the downs positively contributed to the ups. I deeply appreciate the encouraging and kind words too. It’s hard giving myself credit for the accomplishments since things didn’t end up quite how we planned...
  5. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @flipflops82 Thank you for this comment. It resonates deeply with me, especially the identity crisis part. Everyone knows me as “the startup founder” and a large part of my depression about this is the embarrassment of losing that identity. I really love “start focusing on the journey again...
  6. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @real_mayonnaise Funny enough, I had scheduled a chat recently with a mentor who works at MSFT and asked him about a role I was thinking about applying to (Account Technology Strategist) and he ran me through the role definitions and such at MSFT which was a tremendous help but also put me in a...
  7. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @real_mayonnaise It seems like my current skillset & experience align well with those of a pm so I’ll have to begin searching for pm roles. Thanks a ton for the tip, I’ve been struggling to figure out what role titles to look for aside from proj manager.
  8. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @ladywalsh Thank you for this perspective, and for the kind words. Deep in my mind beyond the negative thoughts, I know that these words ring true. Best of luck and good wishes to your current startup journey, I hope all works out in your favor ❤️
  9. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @613jono Damn, this is painfully true. Thank you for the last part. It feels like the world is ending, but you’re right. My objective situation is manageable and I can surely recover, it’s just been my negative mindset that’s been hindering my ability to do so. Thank you, truly ❤️
  10. C

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    Hi everyone. For context, I’m a 25 y/o CEO & co-fo of a startup I’ve been building alongside my 2 technical co-fos. We’ve raised $300K+ total over the last 2 years and have been full-time since January 2022. In these 2 years I’ve taken a $35K annual salary. We’ve recently come to the difficult...