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  1. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @khan1123 Happy to hop on a call and see if I can help.
  2. K

    0 - 100 Subscribers in 6 days - Here's how I did it:

    @esther2286 Thanks for sharing. Sounds interesting
  3. K

    Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API

    @blaise Anything special in the video? Or was it just a walkthrough of your app?
  4. K

    Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API

    @blaise Care to elaborate on the video? I’m trying to collect as much info as possible so not to waste time
  5. K

    Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API

    @blaise Were you asked to send over a youtube video of some sort? How long do you expect the verification to take?
  6. K

    Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API

    @blaise Thanks. Did you need to send them a video?
  7. K

    Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API

    We are required by Google to provide a YouTube video demonstrating how we'll use the data from scopes we ask permission for in our app. Has anyone gone through this process and can share some tips on how to complete this successfully?