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  1. J

    How I reduced this brands CAC by 78%

    Sharing this in hopes it helps some other founders in here who are struggling with growth. A few months back this small tech startup came to me through a referral from an old colleague asking for help with their Facebook ads.They were spending almost $100 per app install, a completely...
  2. J

    I have a platform but no product (which idea/direction is better?)

    @jale66 This may sound silly, but if you’re really stuck, picking a niche or a customer and Googling “biggest problems” or “why x fail”, for example “what are accountants biggest problems” or “why do accountants fail” and start there. Other than that it’s just either talking to these people in...
  3. J

    I have a platform but no product (which idea/direction is better?)

    @jale66 Agree with the comment above about doing both. Personally I’d stay away from OpenAI, unless you have or can get some proprietary data set with a cool use case. For coming up with ideas, I’m a big fan of the “search for problems” method. But looking out in the wide world looking for...