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  1. L

    Where y’all going after Reddit loses third party apps?

    @roman101 Linked in maybe
  2. L

    Making $10,000/month with 97% profit margins, completely bootstrapped

    @jesrdking For sure. Just wanted to wave away the ideas that many have, that you spend a year making this program - then you just ignore it and make 100k a year for the rest of your life. It ain't that nice.. Back to the OP topic: I think the hardest part of selling will be that you are tied...
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    Making $10,000/month with 97% profit margins, completely bootstrapped

    @caseyanne2 A plugin becomes worth less and less each month. So you are either working fulltime on making it better, or finding another plugin to make.
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    "Building in private" for 9 months: all the numbers

    @vasiliosg Yah basically.
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    From 0 to $3 MRR

    @rebeccana Nice work! Don't spend it all in one place.
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    Section 174 - the new tax that will kill your SaaS

    @carvellia Well I am 100% domestic, so good that I get the break ;P As an American taxpayer, I am 100% Ok with not giving a tax break to money spent across the pond.
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    Section 174 - the new tax that will kill your SaaS

    @carvellia In the senate to roll it back yah? House passed, and house is the wild chamber.