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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @lillian2014 Say I have an app that provides a nicer interface for copywriting with ChatGPT. The user can sign up for $30/month as a normal subscription plan, or they can elect for $5/month but they must enter their OpenAI API key in the settings to use the app.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @lee25 True. My ego was thinking it could figure out a way to prevent leaks 100%
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @mesme Which risk is higher: leaking keys or power users/scrapers bankrupting you?
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @tpop123 Of course it's possible. I just prefer products that are flat rates (e.g. unlimited phone data plans). I don't like always thinking about my usage. The downside of flat-rate for both the user and business is that the pricing is based on average usage and customer LTV, meaning that...
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    I interviewed 3 YC founders on pricing AI products (they all hate usage-based)

    @cornbreadfed614 What do you think about a "bring your own keys" model, where you have a super cheap tier that's commensurate with your product's added value? The customer pays by usage with AI services directly.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @kevo Their would be a budget tier for bringing your LLM API key, or they can choose the next tier with everything included. I'm sure there's a good way to secure their keys and info.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @waterwalker4 This is a theoretical marketplace of wrapper products since the only way this pricing model would work is if your product is only using the stateless features of OpenAI. In this regard, you may well be competing on price and convenience.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @obadiahhaidabo Yes, this pricing model is probably more for a tool or side project, not really meant to make a legitimate company.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @cachep0013 I subscribe to OpenAI, so if a wrapper were to use OpenAI under the hood, I could enter my own API key instead of effectively paying double for OpenAI. It's like how a lot of Hugging Face examples have you enter your own key.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    For a B2C business, why not have a low-tier option that lets users bring their own API keys? You can charge a fair subscription price without worrying about power users, and API usage is transparent to everyone. Of course, this wouldn't work if you need to use features tied to your account...