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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    @verah Who redirect you to google recaptcha page? Oh got it, you download a wrong app, there is other app named GoTrends in app store. Here is the right one:
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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    @fishist1 I got the search volume data from an api provided by Google.
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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    Google Trends are useful, but it's not show real search volume, all data is range 0~100. Sometimes it will lead big trouble. So I made an app that show real search volume and tendency of each search keywords on Google. You can download it here: For...
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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    @otim From Google, the data is reliable.
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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    @otim From Google, the data is reliable.
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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    @jonnegetier yeah...however I have a plan to make it into a web app.
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    I made an app show real Google Trends

    Google Trends are useful, but it's not show real search volume, all data is range 0~100. Sometimes it will lead big trouble. So I made an app that show real search volume and tendency of each search keywords on Google. You can download it here: For example:...
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    What I learn from my $200 MRR App I built 4 months ago?

    @ngansale Thank you too
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    What I learn from my $200 MRR App I built 4 months ago?

    4 month ago, I am just a 10-years experienced product manager without any software development experience. I have an $3K/month job, but I am so tired, I don’t like my life, don’t like my boss, don’t like my daily work, that make me feeling I already died however I am still living. I yearn for...