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  1. Y

    I will build you a SaaS for free

    @zois Got it you create the data behind the invoice. OK different to what I am used to. I was envisioning an ERP type application or project management application that provided the data for an invoice.
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    I will build you a SaaS for free

    @zois I am interested in what makes an invoicing application for construction different from any other invoicing application?
  3. Y

    Sharing the list of sources that can bring traffic for your SaaS

    @jerrygg38 Just saw a video saying that hacker news is the best way to get early traffic to your just launched app. Thanks for the list.
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    Paddle requires domain verification for every subdomain you want to launch checkout from

    @jakeinatx Sell the billing as a part of the service and inform your customer that this is needed. Give them a terms service page as part of your service. They would probably need a separate API key or whatever to do billing on their site anyway. Or don't give them a billing page. Have them do...
  5. Y

    We had 122 signups last week. (zero marketing spend)

    @markde916 Interesting product. Of those sign-ups how many on the free level and how many paid? Looks very cool.