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  1. R

    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    @cchambone Hey there, I'm actually referring to an SEO concept and adapting it here. Long tail in SEO refers to all the small keywords that, put together, amount for 80% of searches. For example, 20% of people typically google "New shoes", while if you put together "Black shoes", "Blue shoes"...
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    @innovationincarnate Ahah really glad you liked it, thank you for your comment. I was a little unsure about publishing at first so it means a lot if you found something actionable in there.
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    @vasiliosg Thanks! Yeah I think we're all guilty of wanting success so much it sometimes feels easier to just pretend. The whole fake it till you make it got a little out of hands imho !
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    @andrew58897 Glad you like it! The 20 y o me would be appalled by this, and shout "Don't settle!"... But I think now it's not about settling as much as it's about knowing what you can realistically hope for. Baby steps!
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    I really like your feedback re the homepage wording and features order / priority (including in pricing). I had never seen non-real time notifications as an idea tbh, mainly because I assumed (maybe wrongly) that it wouldn't be enough value for a free plan in the 1st place. I've been toying...
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    @progressivepresbyterian Thanks! It's a really fair point you made tho, there's no black and white I think, it's all about finding a balance between market reality and personal desires imo Will definitely share future posts here if any, feedback has been immensely valuable!!
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    @progressivepresbyterian Hey there, thanks for such a detailed answer. I'm so sorry I missed it yesterday To your first point, you're right, it's the kind of thing I don't pay enough attention to and I should. Thanks for letting me know To the second point, I actually have a cristal clear ICP...
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    Not another how I made $X in Y months – Brutal facts and hard truths from a bootstrapping founder on the road from 0 to 1

    I just published a post about my first year as a bootstrapping SaaS founder. No bullshit metric, no feel-good, just hard truths & brutal facts about one of the richest years I've had in terms of learnings. Would love to get some eyes on the story, happy to answer any question!