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    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    @wviolet Thanks! Appreciate the kind words :)
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    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    @mssonya84 This is gold! Thanks for sharing. The Mom Test and The Lean Startup are books I will never stop referring back to
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    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    @ngav3 Thanks!
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    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    @alexandro For sure! Feel free to send me a DM, happy to help :)
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    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    @illyricus 100% agree! Best of luck with your agency! Most people don’t even ask themselves that question so you are on the right track
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    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    My most important lesson as an entrepreneur was how to invalidate ideas quickly without spending thousands of dollars. Let’s face it – your idea is probably shit. I mean, it might not be, I hope you prove me wrong. I've been through 7 ideas in almost 3 months and invalidated each one. But I...
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    Looking for a Technical Co-Founder. Read the post and DM if interested! Setting up 30 minute virtual meetings to meet you & discuss

    @travis2014 Do you have any validation around why this idea will succeed? Have you spoken to ideal customers? Had direct interest in the product? I am not technical, so as a fellow business person that has recruited technical founders before, you will need to make sure you have things to show...
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    Just hit 100 active users (300+ sign ups) in just under 2 months!

    @onceawaretwiceempowered Thanks! We are beginning to work with accelerators to onboard their startup founders to further scale instead of directly targeting founders. We are also implementing referral programs to spur more word of mouth. We are also in the process of building out a platform...
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    Just hit 100 active users (300+ sign ups) in just under 2 months!

    @kingoffrogs Thanks! Will send you a DM :)
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    Just hit 100 active users (300+ sign ups) in just under 2 months!

    @kingoffrogs It all depends on who your ideal customer is and how many of them we have on the platform. We try to get your first interview within a week or two. Once you sign up we take a look and once we have a connection ready we will send you an email with their LinkedIn to confirm they fit...
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    Just hit 100 active users (300+ sign ups) in just under 2 months!

    @kingoffrogs Awesome! Great question, if you ever change the project or your ideal customers you can just send us an email and we can update it on our end easily! We will also have a dashboard coming out soon where you will be able to edit and view your profile. We have lots of founders changing...
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    Just hit 100 active users (300+ sign ups) in just under 2 months!

    @forgivenandloved Haha love it! Thanks so much Chris, really appreciate it :))
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    Just hit 100 active users (300+ sign ups) in just under 2 months!

    My startup is ufound - a platform where we help founders get in front of their ideal customer profile for user interviews to validate their startup idea. All you have to do is provide a user interview to someone else on the platform in return. Throughout my past ventures, I learned the struggle...
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    Test your idea with $0

    @jaimea1 Wow thats awesome! Will 100% take a look thanks :)
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    Test your idea with $0

    @jaimea1 Love it. Really great strategy. When you mention you engaged with the PH community, does that mean within the comments of launches? Or can you message individual people there? Have never used it so not sure how it works.
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    AWS was easy. Validation is fun. When do you give up? (B2C Cope)

    @dominatio Hey! I feel you. It is extremely draining and tough to get over the 0 to 1 hump. You are asking all the right questions and taking all the right steps, if that makes you feel any better. Just keep pushing and even if it sucks and you feel like you want to stop...just do it tired. Even...