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  1. F

    i'Ve gOt nO eXpErIeNcE, cAn i sTaRt aN aGeNcY? OPEN YOUR EYES, kids!

    @growingheart I have bachelors and masters in digital marketing, bought a few courses, learnt it by managing friends accounts for free, now im managing 100k per month accounts. I have invested a lot of money and time in mysef.
  2. F

    i'Ve gOt nO eXpErIeNcE, cAn i sTaRt aN aGeNcY? OPEN YOUR EYES, kids!

    @richardfulham Ye, romania is known for high education but cheaper pricing than the US. You can get top notch talent for low price, but without the low quality work.
  3. F

    i'Ve gOt nO eXpErIeNcE, cAn i sTaRt aN aGeNcY? OPEN YOUR EYES, kids!

    Let me tell you a short backstory about myself. I am 27, M, from Romania, a country in Europe but with a 3rd world country economy, prices are western european and salaries are SHIT. I have been working since i was 16 in the marketing field, internships, agencies, corporations, you name it. I...