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    I want to create a SaaS product but I don’t have a technical background, where should I start?

    @estherann I have an MVP development agency that I run with my partner. We ship out fullstack apps for 5k a piece. Why so inexpensive? We're betting on your success in the long run for possibility of ongoing development work. DM me if you'd like to learn more.
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    I will build you a SaaS for free

    @annie84 Sending a DM.
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    I will build you a SaaS for free

    @zois Nice. Curious if you'd like to explore a partnership of some sort with myself and my cofounder. We're both technical and have a few products we've built as well. We mostly stick solely to B2B tooling. Let me know in DM if you'd like to just discuss this.
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    I will build you a SaaS for free

    @zois Did you use Rails?
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    Congrats to Jaspar, a r/ycombinator contributor and the founder of Artisan who just raised 7.3M

    @truefiction1 Had a similar experience. Wanted to meet him but didn't even get a response.
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    What do you think about a "bring your own keys" pricing model?

    @summersunshine1217 Don't like it. Just track the usage and bill accordingly. Why is that not possible?
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    Resources on financial plan for a cheap B2B SaaS

    @markusss You need to price based off the value you bring. Don't price solely based off of market average.
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    Is $5,000 cheap for building a SaaS?

    @cwang2680 Responded to someone above but I basically just talk to people and see where the convo goes.
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    Is $5,000 cheap for building a SaaS?

    @txsguy2015 Pretty much I try to engage with genuine comments and discussions and if something leads into something or I get a signal then I'll DM.
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    Is $5,000 cheap for building a SaaS?

    @aravalon Reddit, Discord, plus some in-person networking.
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    Is $5,000 cheap for building a SaaS?

    @dillon1886 Depends. We started at that $5000 price for our boutique, two-man agency a few months ago. Some agencies start at lower prices when starting out (despite having multiple years in the industry). Now that we completed 3 projects (and nearing our fourth), we increased our pricing to...