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  1. M

    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @mybrokenlessthenthree Very good advice and perspective. I am going to try to do this in parallel to my current job but will only be able to do that for so long before its unmanageable with work travel and kids. I do take your point about internalizing some gratitude for my current situation...
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @lilreb85 Looking at that but that comes with debt and investors or a lot of personal asset risk. Could be attractive but very interested in whats possible to bootstrap too.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @jamesdigger This is very helpful re: the ease of scheduling services and quick notes. Thank you.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @catechumenpatrick I appreciate your feedback. You nailed me on not wanting to get my hands dirty, but not for lack of effort. Seems like the perfect way to get stuck in the business instead of scaling the business. My specific skills are more targeted to growth and operations than service...
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @pastorpontibus Thank you so much! This is massively useful information. Is there a niche you do like? Understand the main point you're making is do more research which is true and appreciated.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @varzr This is super helpful. If you could magically sub-contract the actual cleaning to a reputable company but retain the scheduling and customer service do you think that would 'work'?
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @summerbell Whether or not this will work it is exactly my plan.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @georgie905 Thank you! If I can't prove it's a meaningful differentiator, I'll probably move off of it into another home service or attempt another point of differentiation.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    I've spent the past 15 yrs as a C-suite across various roles, including CEO and COO, mostly in venture-backed companies. I have experience starting and leading companies in the consumer services industry but always by operating stores or digital products, nothing significant in the home. Like...